Cuba visa for China citizens: 1、you need to book a package tour with approved travel agency, there are few agencies which can arrange the trips. Please check this list of authorized agents (in Chinese) and ask your selected agent to send you application forms in English; 2、the application should be completed by all members of your group.It should include: full names, birth dates and places(with 4 digits ID number issued by the local police station)of each participant; passport numbers, expiry date and countries or nationalities held valid for stay up to 3 months after entering Cuba; purpose of visit ; contact telephone/fax and addresses in Havana(if they reside here); and name & address of the Cuban travel agency where you booked the trip plus its business license No.; 3、each applicant will have his photo taken at the embassy, which is not included in the tourist packages. You must bring original copies of passports for photocopying purposes before filling out the visa application form. It normally takes two working days from receiving complete applications and payment until issue of visa. The cost per person is US$25 payable only with cashier's cheques drawn on Beijing branches of foreign banks, i.e. Citibank, HSBC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank etc...or in US dollars. Visa is single-entry and stays limited to maximal 30 days when arriving by plane or ship and no more than 10days if coming as part of a package tour organised by an authorised agent.
以上部分材料是去年11月份更新的,当时已经可以自行准备材料和前往驻北京使馆递交申请了, 而不再需要通过被授权的旅行社代办了. 我个人认为这算是开放了一个大门槛,但还有很多细节有待商榷和确认.
以下是我自己的经历和经验,以供参考: 首先确定你的旅行团有办理Cuba旅游签的资质! 然后仔细阅读官方给出的申请表,按照表格内容填写所有信息并在所有空白处签字画押. 填表时需注意: 姓名要按护照上的英文名填写,不能按中文名翻译过来那样写,比如我的名字叫"王"(WANG),但在护照上用的就是拼音名字WRIGHT, 所以我就在表格里用WRIGHT填写. 这个可能有点麻烦的就是当我去办签证的时候要出示身份证原件以便核对身份证上所写的姓名是否符合我的护照名,所以为了以防万一,还是提前去派出所开个证明吧... 出生日期一定要具体到年月日且要和户口本上一致; 如果不是独生子女的话还要写上跟父母一起居住的兄弟姐妹的名字(如果有的话)以及他们的出生日期与护照号码; 如果是已婚人士还需要附上配偶的护照资料页扫描件. 最后要把你的团员都填进一张大的申请表中以备抽查. 准备好所有信息并且签字画押后就要开始准备各种证件复印件,包括: 身份证复印件+户口本首页+本人那一页的复印件; 护照资料页+尾页及出入境章的复印件; 在读生提供学生证复印件或在上学地点开具的在校证明并附上成绩单原件或复印件(这个很重要,因为官方在申请过程中要求提供学校出具的正式文件,如果你能提供