关于60岁以上如何签证顺利通过这个问题,其实跟年龄关系不大,主要是你出国目的的真实性决定你的通过率 比如,一个申请人去申请留学签证,在面签的时候跟签证官说去读书是为了移民,这是肯定通不过的,因为赴美留学的目的就是学习深造而不是奔着美国移民去的!这就是不真实! 再比如,一个54岁的单身女性去申请旅游签证,在面签时说自己要去旅行是因为想结个婚回国以后好有个依靠,这就非常的不合理了。虽然她说的理由也的确合情合理,但是她申请签证的理由却是奔着找伴侣和移民去的,这样就违反了签证官对于旅游签证的要求和标准。 所以题主可以看看自己是属于哪一类情况呢?还是希望我能够帮到你,加油吧~ 美签面试常见问题及解答(一) Q1: 为什么去美国? A1. I go to the US for visiting my daughter, since she lives there now and works as a teacher in California. My other children are grown up already, so they have their own families with kids of their own; therefore it's just me travelling all by myself this time. When I arrive at New York Airport on July 8th, I will take a direct bus to Washington DC where my son is living with his family and working as an engineer. He has been waiting for us! After staying some days with him and his family, we plan to join my eldest son who owns a hotel in Florida, then spend our summer holiday there until September 2nd when I fly back home from Miami International Airport. Q2: Why do you want to visit your two sons, one in San Francisco?
A2. Because both are single men and live alone; while my daughter's husband is working away far away in Chicago; I think if they know that mom is coming, they will be happy to see me! Also besides seeing them, I also would like have a chance to visit my favorite city which is Las Vegas again! There are many casinos over there and people can gamble freely; what a fun place it is~ But most importantly, I am feeling very lonely right now because my dear husband passed away three years ago; so going abroad to meet my loved ones is exactly something I need after such a long period of depression! Besides, having visited before, I feel quite familiar with the cities mentioned above: how to get around, etc... So no worries about getting lost or anything else.
Q3: Where will you stay? Who will pay for your trip?
A3. Since I don’t work nor have any savings, my only child, my youngest Son-in-law is financing my whole journey! You see he is not making too much money but enough to keep both himself and his wife comfortable, with their little baby boy. And anyway, we Chinese believe that once a man gets married and has a kid, he becomes responsible