首先,雅思官方从未出过这种答案,所以不是“答案”;第二,从答题规范的角度来说是不允许的。 雅思考试作为国内最公正、最公平、最透明的语言类出国考试之一(雅思宣传口号),每一步考什么,怎么考都是有明确规定的,在《考试大纲》和《考试流程》中都有详细介绍。虽然口语是主考官根据考生答题情况随意提问,但是题目是从题库中抽取的,也就是说每道题都是规定好的,不可能出现问号。而且对于题目中的时间、数字等信息也是有严格要求的。
以剑12 Test 1 HA05 Q36为例: Question:What do you know about the 4782 days project? Answer:In 1997 about 4782 people signed up to take part in a time-capsule project and sent messages back to 1997 describing what life was like then. The project started on April Fool's Day so that there would be plenty of media coverage, but sadly most of the messages were not published for fear of not being believed. In fact it is hard to believe how much has changed in just two decades as many new technologies were invented or developed during this period. One of my favourite messages was from an eleven year old girl who said she hoped by 2012 she would have a good university place and a job where she could use her skills to help other people.I hope you will all enjoy reading your letters from the future as I am sure we are all very curious to see what they say! 可见,答出日期或时间等具体信息也是评分参考标准之一。