

作为曾经在两个月内从5.5提到8.0的过来人,我想我对于如何备考雅思口语部分还是有那么一些经验的。 首先,我认为雅思口语想要拿高分,必须要做好这两方面的准备:

一、熟练背诵话题卡 所谓话题卡就是雅思口语考试中所涉及的话题。在正式考试的时候,考官会给出一个话题让考生进行陈述。这个话题卡的难度是根据考试的阶段而逐渐递增的。考生在练习时就要刻意地训练自己按照话题卡进行思考并回答。同时,还要留意时间的掌握和停顿的节奏。

二、积累大量素材 除了话题卡外,雅思口语考试还会涉及一些开放式问题。这些问题没有标准答案,也没有所谓的固定模板。但是,考生们可以通过多看多听的方式来积累答题的素材。例如,可以利用BBC News来练听力;用Daily Mail、The Guardian来练阅读,并用notes写下自己的感想;每日跟读VOA或者收听Podcast 来练习发音并总结生词。还可以通过看美剧学日常口语等方式来充实自己的素材库。

接下来,我从词汇、语法、发音三个方面分享一些备考经验。 【词汇】 词汇是语言的基本单位。要想提升词汇量,最直接的方法就是记单词。然而,记忆单词并不是一件容易事。





I think I’ve been getting my news from two major resources. One is the Internet and I think it has been the most important resource to obtain news in my life. I often go online and read the news on a number of popular websites, like sohu, sina, netease, etc. I read the news nearly everyday because there is a really massive amount of news information on the Internet, which is updated every moment so that I can know what’s happening now around the world immediately. It is important and convenient as well.


There is another source from which I get my news, the newspapers. The newspapers I subscribe to mainly include Chin青youth 报 and Dongfang早报. Compared with the Internet, the news on the newspapers is updated quite slowly, but the reports on the news events are really full and well-written with good reading value to us, therefore can help us to learn the background, process and impact of the events we care about well. As for the information I learn from the newspapers, I like to read these paper much because they are of help in realizing what is happening in our own country.


In a word, the news plays a really important role in our life, which makes the connections between mankind much more tight. In order to fit into the society well, I have to keep myself updated on the current news events.
